{{page>wiki:headers:rfheader}} ===== ROTATIONS IN SPACE ===== ==== INTRODUCTION ==== In Cartesian coordinates, the natural orthonormal basis is $\{\ii,\jj,\kk\}$, where $\ii\equiv\xhat$, $\jj\equiv\yhat$, $\kk\equiv\zhat$ denote the unit vectors in the $x$, $y$, $z$ directions, respectively. The position vector from the origin to the point ($x$,$y$,$z$) takes the form $$\rr = x \,\ii + y \,\jj + z \,\kk$$ Note that $\ii$, $\jj$, $\kk$ are constant. A moving object has a position vector given by $$\rr(t) = x(t) \,\ii + y(t) \,\jj + z(t) \,\kk$$ Its velocity $\vv$ and acceleration $\aa$ are obtained by differentiation, resulting in \begin{eqnarray} \vv &=& \dot{\rr} = \dot{x} \,\ii + \dot{y} \,\jj + \dot{z} \,\kk \\ \aa &=& \ddot{\rr} = \ddot{x} \,\ii + \ddot{y} \,\jj + \ddot{z} \,\kk \end{eqnarray} where dots denote differentiation with respect to $t$. As in the plane, if we wish to describe things as seen from some point $(p,q,s)$ other than the origin, all we have to do is replace $\rr$ by $$\rr_\subM = \rr - \RR$$ where $$\RR = p \,\ii + q \,\jj + s \,\kk$$ ==== SPHERICAL COORDINATES ==== In spherical coordinates \begin{eqnarray} x &=& r\sin\theta\cos\phi \\ y &=& r\sin\theta\sin\phi \\ z &=& r\cos\theta \end{eqnarray} the natural orthonormal basis is $\{\rhat,\that,\phat\}$, where \begin{eqnarray} \rhat &=& \sin\theta\cos\phi \>\ii + \sin\theta\sin\phi \>\jj + \cos\theta \>\kk \\ \that &=& \cos\theta\cos\phi \>\ii + \cos\theta\sin\phi \>\jj - \sin\theta \>\kk \\ \phat &=& -\sin\phi \>\ii + \cos\phi \>\jj \end{eqnarray} Again, this is a basis everywhere \textit{except} at the origin, since neither $\theta$ nor $\phi$ are defined there. Consider an observer located at the point ($R$,$\Theta$,$\Phi$), \textit{not} at the origin, whose natural basis is just $\{\rhat,\that,\phat\}$. With respect to this observer, a moving object therefore has a \textit{relative} position vector of the form $$\rr_\subM(t) = Z(t) \,\rhat - Y(t) \,\that + X(t) \,\phat$$ for some functions $X$, $Y$, $Z$. We will normally take our observer to be on the surface of the Earth, which we will approximate as a sphere. Roughly speaking, $\Theta$ and $\Phi$ give the latitude and longitude of the observer, respectively; $R$ is the radius of the Earth. Note that the equator corresponds to $\theta={\pi\over2}$, and that $\theta$ \textit{decreases} as you approach the North Pole. The functions ($X$,$Y$,$Z$) define \textit{Cartesian} coordinates for the observer: $Z$ is altitude, $Y$ is distance to the \textit{north}, and $X$ is distance to the \textit{east}; this explains the peculiar conventions in defining $X$, $Y$, $Z$. The ``true'' position is given by $$\rr(t) = \RR + \rr_\subM(t)$$ where $$\RR = R \,\rhat$$ ==== ROTATING FRAME ==== An observer ``standing still'' on the surface of the Earth is really a rotating observer whose position is given by \begin{eqnarray} r &=& R = \hbox{constant} \\ \theta &=& \Theta = \hbox{constant} \\ \phi &=& \Phi = \Omega t \end{eqnarray} Observers in this frame perceive $\rhat$, $\that$, $\phat$ to be constant. (The sun ``rises'' and ``sets''!) They will therefore compute the relative velocity and acceleration of a moving object with (relative) position vector $\rr_\subM$ by taking derivatives of the \textit{coefficients}: \begin{eqnarray} \vv_\subM(t) = \dot{Z} \,\rhat - \dot{Y} \,\that + \dot{X} \,\phat \\ \aa_\subM(t) = \ddot{Z} \,\rhat - \ddot{Y} \,\that + \ddot{X} \,\phat \end{eqnarray} The basis vectors now take the form \begin{eqnarray} \rhat &=& \sin\theta\cos(\Omega t) \>\ii + \sin\theta\sin(\Omega t) \>\jj + \cos\theta \>\kk \\ \that &=& \cos\theta\cos(\Omega t) \>\ii + \cos\theta\sin(\Omega t) \>\jj - \sin\theta \>\kk \\ \phat &=& -\sin(\Omega t) \>\ii + \cos(\Omega t) \>\jj \end{eqnarray} so that \begin{eqnarray} \rhatdot &=& -\Omega\sin\theta\sin(\Omega t) \>\ii + \Omega\sin\theta\cos(\Omega t) \>\jj \\ \thatdot &=& -\Omega\cos\theta\sin(\Omega t) \>\ii + \Omega\cos\theta\cos(\Omega t) \>\jj \\ \phatdot &=& -\Omega\cos(\Omega t) \>\ii - \Omega\sin(\Omega t) \>\jj \end{eqnarray} Comparing these equations with the preceding ones, we see that \begin{eqnarray} \rhatdot &=& \Omega\sin\theta \,\phat = \om \times \rhat \\ \thatdot &=& \Omega\cos\theta \,\phat = \om \times \that \\ \phatdot &=& -\Omega\sin\theta \,\rhat - \Omega\cos\theta \,\that = \om \times \phat \end{eqnarray} where we have introduced the angular velocity $$\om = \Omega \,\kk = \Omega \, ( \cos\theta \,\rhat - \sin\theta \,\that ) $$ Thus, just as in the 2-dimensional case, for \textit{any} relative vector of the form $$\FF(t) = f(t) \,\rhat(t) + g(t) \,\that(t) + h(t) \,\phat(t)$$ we have \begin{eqnarray} \dot{\FF} &=& \left( \dot{f} \,\rhat + \dot{g} \,\that + \dot{h} \,\phat \right) + \left( f \,\rhatdot + g \,\thatdot + h \,\phatdot \right) \\ &=& \left( \dot{f} \,\rhat + \dot{g} \,\that + \dot{h} \,\phat \right) + \left( f \,\om\times\rhat + g \,\om\times\that + h \,\om\times\phat \right) \\ &=& \left( \dot{f} \,\rhat + \dot{g} \,\that + \dot{h} \,\phat \right) + \om \times \FF \end{eqnarray} As before, the first term is the ``naive'' derivative of $\FF$; this ``naive'' differentiation is precisely what was used to obtain $\vv_\subM$ and then $\aa_\subM$ starting from $\rr_\subM$. We are finally ready to compare the relative and ``true'' velocities and accelerations. Differentiating $$\rr = \RR + \rr_\subM$$ we obtain \begin{eqnarray} \vv = \dot{\rr} &=& \dot{\RR} + \dot{\rr}_\subM \\ &=& \om\times\RR + \left( \vv_\subM + \om\times\rr_\subM \right) \end{eqnarray} Further differentiation yields \begin{eqnarray} \aa = \dot{\vv} &=& \om\times\dot{\RR} + \left( \dot{\vv}_\subM + \om\times\dot{\rr}_\subM \right) \\ &=& \om\times(\om\times\RR) + \left(\aa_\subM + \om\times\vv_\subM \right) + \om\times\left( \vv_\subM + \om\times\rr_\subM \right) \\ &=& \om\times(\om\times\RR) + \aa_\subM + 2\,\om\times\vv_\subM + \om\times(\om\times\rr_\subM) \\ \end{eqnarray} Rewriting these expressions slightly, we obtain the following equations for the relative velocity and acceleration: \begin{eqnarray} \vv_\subM &=& \vv - \om\times\rr \\ \aa_\subM &=& \aa - 2\,\om\times\vv_\subM - \om\times(\om\times\rr) \end{eqnarray} As before, the \textit{effective} acceleration $\aa_\subM$ therefore consists of 3 parts: the ``true'' acceleration $\aa$, the \textit{centrifugal} acceleration $-\om\times(\om\times\rr)$ and the \textit{Coriolis} acceleration $-2\,\om\times\vv_\subM$. On the surface of the Earth, we have $$\rr \approx \RR$$ so that the centrifugal acceleration can be approximated as $-\om\times(\om\times\RR)$. In analogy with the planar case, the centrifugal acceleration always points away from the axis of the Earth's rotation, and is strongest at the equator. This acceleration is perceived as a small (less than~1\%) correction to the acceleration due to gravity: Straight down, as defined by a plumb bob, does \textit{not} point towards the center of the Earth! ((Straight down is, however, perpendicular to the surface of the Earth: The centrifugal force has deformed the Earth's surface, resulting in an equatorial radius which is slightly (just over 20 km) greater than the polar radius.)) For a more detailed discussion, see pages 390--391 of Marion and Thornton. Finally, \textit{for motion parallel to the surface of the Earth}, the Coriolis acceleration always points to the \textit{right} of the direction of motion $\vv_\subM$ in the Northern Hemisphere (and to the \textit{left} in the Southern Hemisphere).