PH 111 Wiki days:fall2012daybyday:fall2012day1
2020-01-26T00:06:23-08:00PH 111 Wiki
9:30- 9:40 Introducing the Course, Staff, and NSF Project
9:40-10:15 Exploring Physics Learning in the Context of Light
10:15-10:30 Documenting Initial Ideas with Diagnostic Question
10:30-11:15 Exploring Light and Shadow Phenomena
11:15-11:25 Writing
11:25-11:30 Providing Course Information
11:30-11:50 Reflectingtext/html2012-10-04T11:24:09-08:00days:fall2012daybyday:fall2012day1:documenting_initial_ideas_with_diagnostic_question
Students are asked to recored their current knowledge about the sun and moon by answering these questions:
* Why does it get dark at night?
* Why is it cold in the winter and hot in the summer?
* Why does the moon seem to have different shapes at dinfferent times?
* How would you define a “scientific explanation”?
* How would you define “inquiry approaches to learning and teaching”?text/html2013-03-13T11:52:29-08:00days:fall2012daybyday:fall2012day1:exploring_light_and_shadow_phenomena
* Go over shadow plots and discuss the pattern that is being formed.
* Discuss which way is North and which is South and how we must face South in order to see the sun
* Make the first entery in the sky journal holding one arm in the direction of the sun, make an X where you think the sun will be in a hour
* In each group have one person trace anothers shadow, again make an X where you think their head shadow will be in one hourtext/html2012-10-02T09:23:40-08:00days:fall2012daybyday:fall2012day1:exploring_physics_learning_in_the_context_of_light
Peer Instructor
Exploring Physics Learning in the context of Light To start off the course I asked students to think about a time in their life when they had enjoyed learning something about light, whether it be inside or out of the typical classroom. They were given a piece of paper to illustrate this. As Emily and I went around the classroom I realized that many of the students needed an additional push to keep thinking or expand on what they already had. I asked questions such as: what made…text/html2012-10-01T15:19:05-08:00days:fall2012daybyday:fall2012day1:start
Daily Schedule
Exploring Physics Learning in the Context of Light
Documenting Initial Ideas with Diagnostic Question
Exploring Light and Shadow Phenomena
Peer Instructor
Exploring Physics Learning in the context of Light To start off the course I asked students to think about a time in their life when they had enjoyed learning something about light, whether it be inside or out of the typical classroom. They were given a piece of paper to illustrate this. As Emily and I went…