PH 111 Wiki days:fall2012daybyday:fall2012day16
2020-01-26T00:07:28-08:00PH 111 Wiki
9:30 - 9:45 Reflecting about elementary teaching experiences
9:45-10:25 Discussing sun and moon phenomena
* Viewing solar eclipse website
* Reviewing moon observations and explanations
* Preparing for moon section of course paper
10:25-10:40 Documenting current knowledge
10:40-11:20 Exploring motion phenomena
11:20-11:30 Writing
11:30-11:50 Reflectingtext/html2012-11-15T10:36:41-08:00days:fall2012daybyday:fall2012day16:discussing_sun_moon_phenomena
I led the students through a review of all the powerful ideas, representations, and mathematics that we have discussed that deal with the moon. This was in review for their final paper.text/html2012-11-15T10:41:04-08:00days:fall2012daybyday:fall2012day16:documenting_current_knowledge
The students were given the same diagnostic questions as they were at the beginning of the term and asked to document their current knowledge. They will be given their original answers to compare the knowledge they have gained.text/html2012-11-15T10:43:57-08:00days:fall2012daybyday:fall2012day16:exploring_motion_phenomena
Small groups use a motion detector and a computer to find what graphs look like as you stand still, move away quickly, move away slowly, move away and speed up, move away and slow down, and move away and turn around.text/html2012-11-15T10:34:40-08:00days:fall2012daybyday:fall2012day16:reflecting_about_elementary_teaching_experience
Last class period we went to visit a 4th grade class to teach about light refelectivity. Each studnet had designed a worksheet and short lesson plan for a group of 4-6 students. Overall we had a great time with these students. Some common things that we (as a class) observed were:text/html2012-11-15T11:32:26-08:00days:fall2012daybyday:fall2012day16:reflections
Student 1
Learned: how much I have actually learned this term, from comparing my diagnostic questions
Wants to Know: how the velocity graphs will go
Student 2
Learned:that you get the same graph from moving away with your body and a toy car
Wants to Know: how I will finish the paper
Student 3
Learned: position and time graphs, I had never done any of this before
Wants to Know: how the paper will go
Student 4
Learned: how much I have learned since the first diagnostic questions a…text/html2012-11-15T10:29:40-08:00days:fall2012daybyday:fall2012day16:start
Daily Schedule
Reflecting About Elementary Teaching Experience
Discussing Sun & Moon Phenomena
Documenting Current Knowledge
Exploring Motion Phenomena