
Student 1
Learned: Different material may feel different but are the same
Wants to Know: If I will see the moon tonight

Student 2
Learned:Even if something feels really cold it is actually at room temp
Wants to Know: How much heat and energy it would take to heat up the metal plate

Student 3
Learned: New way of thinking about using new language with talking about how heat transfers
Wants to Know: Difference is in conductivity and insulation

Student 4
Learned: Different temperatures and how I thought metal was colder
Wants to Know: If our heat is being conducted in the metal and if the metal is actually getting warmer

Student 5
Learned: Conduction and absorption
Wants to Know: If we will see the moon

Student 6
Learned: Difference between conduction and insulation
Wants to Know: Why the moon looks more yellow earlier in the evening.

Student 7
Learned: Learned about the computer program and temp probes
Wants to Know: How discovery day will go

Student 8
Learned: All the plate were the same temp
Wants to Know: What happens when our body heat heats the plates

Student 9
Learned: Terms conductor and insulator
Wants to Know: Wondering about the moon and why haven't seen it out at 7 pm the last few nights

Student 10
Learned: Something that feels cold may not actually be cold but feels cold
Wants to Know: If the moon will be out tomorrow morning?

Student 11
Wants to Know:

Peer Instructor
Learned: I learned that this group of students is on top of everything and is good at exploring what we want them to be looking at.
Wants to Know: How discovery day will go because I haven't been there in a few years.

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Learned: When the weather says it is going to rain, it will rain.
Wants to Know: What is actually happening when the energy/heat in my hand flows into the different plates