======Sharing Science Experiences====== **Navigation Link** [[days:fall2009daybyday:fall2009day1:start| Fall 2009-Day 1]]\\ [[strategies:literacy:speaking:presentations:sharingscienceexpereinces:start|Literacy-Speaking-Presentation-Sharing Science Experiences]]\\ [[strategies:aspectsthatfostersciencelearning:start| Aspects that Foster Science Learning]]\\ **Video: Sharing Science Experiences** {{:days:fall2009daybyday:fall2009day1:sharingscienceexperiences:presentation-_sharing_science_experiences_.mov}} \\ (23.2 MB)\\ \\ The instructor set out large white pieces of paper and sets of markers for the students to create posters of their science experiences. She asked them to draw pictures, write words, and discuss their positive science experiences. She posed the questions:\\ * What were the aspects that helped you learn/have fun? * What is science? How do you learn it? What science experiences have you had in your life? \\ c{{:days:fall2009daybyday:fall2009day1:sharingscienceexperiences:sharingscienceexperiences.jpg?400x400}}|\\ In groups of two, students talked about the science experiences they have had. They drew colorful pictures of their science memories. Each group got to introduce themselves and present/share their positive physics learning experiences with the rest of the class. Collectively, they wrote down what aspects fostered those learning experiences both inside and outside of the classroom. In big letters, students wrote “group work, understandable, discussion, asking questions, fun, entertaining, interactive, exciting, surprising, choice, visual, field trips, exploration, and suspense.” In addition to these strategies, another very important aspect that fosters learning is reflection. When these aspects are incorporated into students’ curriculum, they are more interested and they learn more. |^ Aspects that foster learning experiences ^ |Group Work| |Understandable Content| |Discussions| |Asking Questions| |Fun and Excitement| |Entertaining Material| |Interactive Activities| |Suspense or Surprise| |Choice in Topics| |Visuals| |Open-ended Exploration| |Reflection|