======Fall 2009: Day 15 Reflections====== **Navigation Links** [[strategies:reflections:start|The Instructional Strategy of Reflection]]\\ [[days:fall2009daybyday:fall2009day15:start|Fall 2009-Day 15]]\\ ^ What did you learn? ^ What are you wondering? ^ |I learned that the moon is falling to the earth with the gravitational pull, but it is never going to hit the earth because the earth is rotating and orbiting and always moving.|How am I going to get my thoughts about the moon displayed in a concise way in my moon paper.| |The earth's gravity is pulling on the moon.| Since the earth is pulling on the moon, is the moon pulling on the earth equally?| |If an object is at rest, it will stay at rest. If an object is moving, it will keep moving.| I am curious to see what we can find on the internet about the moon phases and explanations.| |I learned about the earth's gravitational pull on the moon.| Should I put the moon on the horizon or the sun on the horizon when I draw my moon diagram?| |I learned that the moon and the ocean's tides are connected some how.| What happens to the tides at each of the moon's phases?| |I had never considered the moon "falling" to the earth at all times.| How do the changing phases of the moon, and where the moon is at in relation to the sun, affect the ocean's tides?| |I learned about the relationships between force and gravity on the moon.| Will I be able to get my moon paper together how I want it to be?| |I learned that Newton and Galileo lived around the same time.|What effect does a new moon have on people? I have heard a lot of people visit the emergency room on that day...or maybe it's a full moon?| |I didn't realize that Newton had posted his ideas in 1687. I thought it was far more recent than that.| What are they discovering on the moon and how will that play into sending people to Mars?| |I learned about Newton's laws.| Will I be able to still make sense of the moon's rising times once I get home and try to understand it myself?|