======Book Talks====== **Navigation Link** [[strategies:literacy:reading:booktalks:start| Instructional Strategies-Literacy-Reading-Book Talks]]\\ [[days:fall2009daybyday:fall2009day6:start| Fall 2009-Day 6]]\\ ====What is a book talk?==== |A book talk is a short presentation of a book, often given by teachers, to entice students to read. Teachers usually present the title, author/illustrator, a brief overview of the plot, and some interesting components of the book. By giving a preview of what exciting things each book entails, teachers encourage students to pick up books they might not have looked at on their own. Book talks encourage exploration of new ideas through reading in a fun and exciting way!|{{:strategies:literacy:reading:booktalks:booktalkpicture.jpg?400x400}}| \\ ====Why are book talks important? ==== ^ Video: The Importance of Book Talks ^ Why should I give book talks? ^ |{{:days:fall2009daybyday:fall2009day6:booktalks:theimportanceofbooktalks.mov}}|They provide an additional learning modality\\ Teacher modeling of reading/book interest promotes student reading/book interest\\ Students will likely learn something interesting about a new topic they didn't know they liked\\ Makes learning more fun and approachable\\ Alternative to "boring" textbooks| \\ ====What does a book talk look like?==== ^ Components of a book talk ^ Video: Student Book Talk ^ |Excited/interested tone of voice\\ Shares points of interest about the book: pictures or ideas\\ Leave students with a question so they want to find the answer\\ Use an appropriate book for the age/ability level\\ Share books that are content-related to a subject they are studying|{{:strategies:literacy:reading:booktalks:student_book_talk.mov}}|