
Student 1
Learned: You can include books in your classroom to keep kids interested.
Wants to Know: How Discovery Days will go.

Student 2
Learned: The importance of using resources like the library.
Wants to Know: How the websites will turn out.

Student 3
Learned: Even though a book isn't very educational it still sparks interests in kids.
Wants to Know: What we will do next in class.

Student 4
Learned: More about the moon.
Wants to Know: How Discovery Days will be set up.

Student 5
Learned: Science can be simplified for children.
Wants to Know: What age of kids will not be interested at Discovery Days.

Student 6
Learned: More about literature learning.
Wants to Know: Will the posters we made today help the kids at Discovery Days?

Student 7
Learned: How different media can be used to assist in the classroom.
Wants to Know: How the websites will look in the end.

Student 8
Learned: Learned more about literacy learning.
Wants to Know: How will Discovery Days go.

Student 9
Learned: More about literacy learning.
Wants to Know: Curious about the websites.

Student 10
Learned: You can use different types of books in the classroom.
Wants to Know: More about pinhole cameras.

Student 11
Learned: Making websites can be frustrating.
Wants to Know: More about our Reading Reflections from last night and how to balance teaching things in our classrooms.

Student 12
Learned: Some books can be inaccurate.
Wants to Know: How the websites will end up.

Student 13
Learned: You can't always trust books from the library.
Wants to Know: More teachers are lecturing now instead of having open discussions.

Student 14
Learned: Like the book talks.
Wants to Know: How can I incorporate other media in my class?

Student 15
Learned: How to better understand the dot in the cup activity.
Wants to Know:

Student 16
Wants to Know:

Peer Instructor
Learned: It is getting easier to talk about different subjects.
Wants to Know: How the websites are going to turn out.

Peer Instructor
Learned: How to better explain myself and communicate my thoughts.
Wants to Know: How everyone feels the term is going because there is a lot of sitting around doing nothing.

Wants to Know: