
Student 1
Learned: More about analyzing results and whether they make sense.
Wants to Know:

Student 2
Learned: What the values of the equation truly means.
Wants to Know: How discovery day will go?

Student 3
Learned: More about equation, better understanding for it.
Wants to Know: How discovery day will go.

Student 4
Learned: That the equation was more confusing than I made it.
Wants to Know: How the midterm will go?

Student 5
Learned: The equation.
Wants to Know: How discovery day will go.

Student 6
Learned: Be sure not to skip steps on equation solving.
Wants to Know: More on justification of the equation.

Student 7
Learned: About stating why something is equal to another.
Wants to Know: How long I will look at moon until it doesn't look full.

Student 8
Learned: Figuring out how to switch equations around.
Wants to Know: How my next attempt will go?

Student 9
Learned: Understand equations better, how relating topics to relevant ideas helps strengthen ideas.
Wants to Know:

Student 10
Learned: How hearing people all try to explain things widens understanding.
Wants to Know: Will I always need to share information with others to understand better.

Student 11
Learned: Plugging in/understanding equations isn't as bad as it seems. Make things harder for myself.
Wants to Know: Will one of the mornings be non-foggy soon so we can observe sun and moon?

Student 12
Learned: That depending on how you set up an equation, can help you solve easier or more complicated.
Wants to Know: How do I best study for the midterm?

Student 13
Learned: Can better understand an equation by manipulating it.
Wants to Know: Wonder how weather on thursday will be, if we will go out?

Student 14
Wants to Know:
Student 15
Wants to Know:

\\Peer Instructor
Learned: The weather is so unpredictable.
Wants to Know: If we will have a chance to see the moon on thursday.

Peer Instructor
Learned: Justifying equations is not as easy accepting core concept.
Wants to Know: How to justify this equation well enough for a student to understand easily.

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Learned: This is a complicated setting to understand certain things
Wants to Know: Whether I made the right choice to postpone the midterm.