Going on a Field Trip to the Roof to Observe the Moon & the Sun

Once on the roof ask the students:

A: the moon is less lit than on Tuesday, it is lit on the right side.

A: it is less lit and is higher in the sky

A: They struggled determining if it was right or obtuse angle. The students came to the conclusion that the angle was still obtuse.

A: the moon will get less lit, the angle formed by the sun and moon will become smaller, and the moon will set later in the day

A: after discussing the fact that the moon is higher in the sky then it was on Tuesday, the students concluded that the moon seems to be moving West to East from day to day

The students then asked about the sun and if it was also moving (maybe West to East from day to day). They discussed how day light savings time, changes of sunset/sunrise time may affect this, and how that could play into the angle formed with the sun and moon. We left all questions unanswered and let them generate and try to answer these questions among themselves.

Students pointing to the moon.


The moon, more than half lit and high in the sky.
