Practicing Book Talks

Today we began class with a book talk. First, I gave one to the students and explained how these discussions are exciting ways to combine science and literacy and present a new topic or idea to a class. Because one of the students in the class and myself speak a little Spanish, Emily provided a few books in Spanish for us to look through. Then it was time for the students to present their Book Talks.

Science of Magnets: Magnets in everyday places (telephones, speakers), different shapes and sizes of magnets, what magnets are attracted to, poles of a magnet (North and South) demonstrated by iron filings, why magnets are magnets, some magnets are permanent while others are temporary, using compasses to find directions, animals can sense magnetic poles.

Playing With Magnets: Easy things that you can make with magnets. Fishing with magnets, raceway with magnetic cars, coin sorter, mustache man with iron filings.

Magnets: Experiments organized by what lessons you can learn using magnets. Asks a problem at the beginning, materials, procedures, exploring.

Imanes: Magnetic objects can attract without touching an object, North and South poles, like things repel while unalike things attract, magnetic poles in the earth, electronics that have motors with magnets inside.