Example Student Response for Homework Week 5

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Homework Week 5


Technology is becoming more and more useful with each and every year. I have been using technology since I was a little girl. I used computers in elementary school, middle school, high school, and college. My high school required everyone to take a keyboarding class, which taught typing, as well as the use of powerpoint and other programs. I remember growing up using the computer program “Mavis Beacon,” which I am sure a lot of you remember using to learn how to type as well. My college courses require a ton of technology use. I am constantly typing papers in word, submitting homework on blackboard, taking exams online, etc. Technology is a crucial part of learning for both adults and children.

I feel that it is important to use technology to teach children, as well as have children learn to use technology to teach themselves and their classmates. As teachers, we should be allowing time for children to research information for projects, make powerpoint presentations, and other technology integrated activities. This will allow for children to learn to use technology to benefit their learning.

Computer class has been cut from many elementary schools, so I think it is important that teachers incorporate the use of technology into their weekly curriculum, so the children still get that experience. I honestly believe it is extremely important, and a very helpful tool.