
Student 1
Learned: there is one side of the moon we have never seen
Wants to Know:how the classroom will go

Student 2
Learned:confirmed that we never see the other side of the moon
Wants to Know: how the lesson plan will go

Student 3
Learned:ice melting off land causes rising sea levels
Wants to Know: How Lincoln Elementary will go

Student 4
Learned: more about the moon and why we see the sahdow that we do
Wants to Know: How Lincoln Elementary will go

Student 5
Learned:more about the moon and how it moves n relation to us (earth) and how that relates to different phases
Wants to Know: How I will keep making connections with the moon

Student 6
Learned: the view from above and how it is always half lit and how it revolves
Wants to Know: How teaching at Lincoln will go

Student 7
Learned: The side of the Moon that faces the sun is always lit
Wants to Know: How the classroom is going to go and hopefully I am not sick anymore

Student 8
Learned: That one part of the Moon we never see
Wants to Know: How the classroom will go

Student 9
Learned: We are only seeing one side of the Moon
Wants to Know: What the other side of the Moon looks like

Student 10
Learned: We only see one side of the Moon
Wants to Know: How the classroom will go

Student 11
Wants to Know:

Student 12
Wants to Know:

Peer Instructor
Learned: More about global warming
Wants to Know:If there will be any changes to control

Peer Instructor
Learned: How to teach the phases of the moon better
Wants to Know: More about the Moon!

Learned:Alison is a fabulous instructor of what to improve, we had everyone structured
Wants to Know: more about eclipses and to be able to answer Judy's questions