=======Reflections======= **Student 1**\\ Learned: \\I learned styrofoam is an insulator Wants to Know: \\ wondering if the moon will be changing heights when I look \\ **Student 2**\\ Learned:\\ there is a difference between temperature and heat Wants to Know: \\wondering about moon questions \\ **Student 3**\\ Learned: \\ material left in a room will have the same temperature, room temperature, but not living organisms Wants to Know: \\ why is it that this doesn't apply to humans \\ **Student 4**\\ Learned: \\how to use temperature probes Wants to Know: \\ if we had used different temperatures, extremer ones, how would the graph look \\ **Student 5**\\ Learned: \\ the hot or cold feeling has to do with us not the plates Wants to Know: \\ how would the data have looked with the probes calabrated differently \\ **Student 6**\\ Learned: \\ materials may feel hot or cold but be the same temp Wants to Know: \\about the moon, when will i see my question answered \\ **Student 7**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\what will happen with the moon \\ **Student 8**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\does heat act like a particle and a wave like light does \\ **Student 9**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\ how different will our observations of the moon be when looking at the same time \\ **Student 10**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\ what will the moon look like looking from different places looking at the same time \\ **Student 11**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\wondering how my moon observations will change \\ **Student 12**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\wondering about my moon question \\ **Student 13**\\ Learned: \\styrofoam is an insulator Wants to Know: \\ wondering about question \\ **Student 14**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\ wondering what materials are insulators and conductors, what makes them act as so \\ **Student 15**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\ \\ **Student 16**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\ \\ **Peer Instructor**\\ Learned: \\ questions about thermal conductivity Wants to Know: \\ how will thursday go? \\ **Peer Instructor**\\ Learned: \\ I get flustered and stay snarky when I feel likeI am losing control in the classroom and cannot change that Wants to Know: \\ how the moon observations will change as the groups are now asking specific questions \\ **Instructor**\\ Learned: \\ I learned that it is hard to talk about the science rather than the teaching for instance talking about how the water will mix. I was thrilled that Lindsey brought up the point about how the same temp water will mix Wants to Know: \\ How much can I really keep in the class, is it worth keeping everything in the class, or should we change the class, and lose the rainbow so that we have more time for the thermal class.