=======Reflections======= **Student 1**\\ Learned: the moon phases where more solidafied\\ Wants to Know: still want to go over pattern of moon rise/set\\ \\ **Student 2**\\ Learned:the names of the 8 phases of the moon, didn't realize there were 8 names\\ Wants to Know: \\ \\ **Student 3**\\ Learned: how to do the conservation of energy equation and where to look if I want to see the moon on any given day\\ Wants to Know: what else we will learn next week\\ \\ **Student 4**\\ Learned: a lot more about the moon, the phases, and times of setting and rising\\ Wants to Know: when I will finally fully understand the moon\\ \\ **Student 5**\\ Learned: it was easy for me to talk myself through the setting and rising times of the moon\\ Wants to Know: undrstand the concept the conservation of energy but not really how to use it\\ \\ **Student 6**\\ Learned: the phases of the moon and what they look like\\ Wants to Know:the conservation of energy equation \\ \\ **Student 7**\\ Learned: sometimes visuals hinder my learning\\ Wants to Know: how i would teach the moon rising and setting to my students?\\ \\ **Student 8**\\ Learned: more about the conservation of energy equations\\ Wants to Know: how heat effects us, on a deeper level\\ \\ **Peer Instructor**\\ Learned: it can be hard to visulize what a moon phase looks like if you haven't actually seen it in the sky\\ Wants to Know: if you look at the rise/set times if you can see the patterns that I see that help me understand the concept\\ \\ **Peer Instructor**\\ Learned: how important it is to prep myself before class\\ Wants to Know: what we will do since its so cloudy now\\ \\ **Instructor**\\ Learned: we can compress what might take a whole session into a smaller amount of time but it costs in your learning\\ Wants to Know: if you will be able to see the moon on wednesday\\ \\