=======Reflections======= **Student 1**\\ Learned: What will be happening at discovery days\\ Wants to Know: If what I am imagining discovery days to be is what it will be\\ \\ **Student 2** What will be happening at discovery days\\ Learned:\\ Wants to Know: Which station will be the kids' favorite\\ \\ **Student 3** \\ Learned: Details about discovery days\\ Wants to Know: What station I will like teaching best\\ \\ **Student 4**\\ Learned: How discovery days will go\\ Wants to Know: What the kids will like about the day\\ \\ **Student 5**\\ Learned: I liked playing with the motion sensors and seeing how we could make different shapes and words\\ Wants to Know: How do the motion sensors work\\ \\ **Student 6**\\ Learned: I learned exactly what we will be doing at discovery days and how each lesson will apply\\ Wants to Know: I am wondering about how the motion detector works\\ \\ **Student 7**\\ Learned: I learned more about the dot experiment and how that works\\ Wants to Know: I am excited for discovery days\\ \\ **Student 8**\\ Learned: I learned something new about the pinhole cameras and how you can block the light with cardboard\\ Wants to Know: I am excited to see how discovery days will go\\ \\ **Student 9**\\ Learned: I learned about the pinhole camera and cardboard\\ Wants to Know: Will I be able to see the moon\\ \\ **Student 10**\\ Learned: More about how discovery days will work \\ Wants to Know: Will I be able to see the moon \\ \\ **Student 11**\\ Learned: The motion detectors use infrared to measure motion\\ Wants to Know: How do I apply the moon chart we talked about to looking for the moon \\ \\ **Student 12**\\ Learned: I learned that the motion detectors work better moving forward and back instead of side to side\\ Wants to Know: How will discovery days go\\ \\ **Student 13**\\ Learned: The motion detectors use infrared to measure movement\\ Wants to Know: Can you have a big enough motion detector to use on the move\\ \\ **Student 14**\\ Learned: How the motion detectors work and make Ms and Ws\\ Wants to Know: How will discovery days go\\ \\ **Student 15**\\ Learned: How motion detectors work\\ Wants to Know: How discovery days will go\\ \\ **Student 16**\\ Learned: More about what will happen for discovery days\\ Wants to Know: What unexpected challenges will happen on discovery days\\ \\ **Student 17**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\ \\ **Student 18**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\ \\ **Student 19**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\ \\ **Student 20**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\ \\ **Peer Instructor**\\ Learned: A new way to explain pinhole cameras\\ Wants to Know: How infrared sensors work and what we could do to improve them \\ \\ **Peer Instructor**\\ Learned: It's hard to type as fast as people talk \\ Wants to Know: How it will go having discovery days with the majority of students coming in the morning \\ \\ **Peer Instructor**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\ \\ **Peer Instructor**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\ \\ **Instructor**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\ \\