=======Reflections======= **Student 1**\\ Learned:about seeing water at diff temps \\ Wants to Know: if heated the room up wpould metal be hotter \\ \\ **Student 2**\\ Learned: when substances are same temp they feel different\\ Wants to Know: if used other material would you get same results \\ \\ **Student 3**\\ Learned: 4 different blocs have samea temperature, body heat changes feeling of blcoks \\ Wants to Know: would\\ \\ **Student 4**\\ Learned: draw with thermometer\\ Wants to Know: do heat and temperature different or all they always they same \\ \\ **Student 5**\\ Learned: touch objects feel different but saem temp \\ Wants to Know: use corn syrup would it be the same \\ \\ **Student 6**\\ Learned: touch different then temp\\ Wants to Know: moon \\ \\ **Student 7**\\ Learned: metal diff conductivity then styrofoam, conductor\\ Wants to Know: if left cup of water would change room temp\\ \\ **Student 8**\\ Learned:names for sizes of moon \\ Wants to Know: using different liquid would affect how quickly the substances would change\\ \\ **Student 9**\\ Learned: everything is same temperature, our touch that makes feel different \\ Wants to Know: how long it will take for moon to finish its cycle \\ \\ **Student 10**\\ Learned: different materials absororb heat from hand diff\\ Wants to Know: what happens after moon gets full\\ \\ **Student 11**\\ Learned: touch different then room temo \\ Wants to Know: length of moon cycle\\ \\ **Student 12**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\ \\ **Student 13**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\ \\ **Peer Instructor**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\ \\ **Peer Instructor**\\ Learned: thermomters chnage temp quickly \\ Wants to Know: whenm moon will rise tonight, how it will move across the sky \\ \\ **Instructor**\\ Learned: heat is challenge room with no water\\ Wants to Know: wondering if problem is with temperature probes \\ \\