
Student 1
Learned: The beginning of the course I didn't know much about the greenhouse effect
Wants to Know: curious about other greenhouse gases

Student 2
Learned:phases of the moon
Wants to Know: will i teach science as a teacher

Student 3
Learned: I learned quite a bit about the greenhouse effect
Wants to Know: what the teacher is saying, how much will the children remember

Student 4
Learned: how much I learned about the moon, I thought that it was from the earth's shadow
Wants to Know: how did it go when the sheet of paper was crumpled

Student 5
Learned: a lot about the moon and the sun
Wants to Know: if the sun rotates, does it stay in one spot

Student 6
Learned: I've learned a lot over the course, remember a lot of it, learned how to ask questions
Wants to Know: will I use the idea way of teaching, mostly asking questions

Student 7
Learned: that I didn't know much about the moon at all before this
Wants to Know: how much of this course that I'll be able to teach

Student 8
Learned: when I first got into this class, how can I incorporate physics, but I learned that I can
Wants to Know: how will i incorporate physics

Student 9
Learned: I didn't know much about climate change, so I learned a lot about that
Wants to Know: how to a scary topic to students

Student 10
Learned: my perception of physics has changed, it's actually interesting
Wants to Know: how I will fit lessons into my teaching strategies and philosophies

Student 11
Learned: I am much more interested in teaching science than I thought that I would be
Wants to Know: what are some different techniques to understand the topics that I want to teach more

Student 12
Learned: a lot about the moon in this course
Wants to Know: how i will teach science one day

Student 13
Learned: about the greenhouse effect
Wants to Know: how I will incorporate it into the classroom

Peer Instructor
Learned: how beneficial asking questions to the students can be, having discussion based learning
Wants to Know: being flexible to discussion based learning, what kind of tools I can use to direct discussion

Peer Instructor
Learned: talking to others and listening to their ideas helps with new strategies
Wants to Know: how to better help kids in difficult situations

Learned: we survived this course
Wants to Know: want to wish you all the best