=======Reflections======= **Student 1**\\ Learned: I learned depending on where you are you view the light differently and the light comes in all directions and produces shadows. \\ Wants to Know: Depending on different things you move, the lamp and the block, what it will look like. \\ \\ **Student 2**\\ Learned: I didn't think the filament would leave a shadow. \\ Wants to Know: How different filaments, light bulbs and wattage would effect everything. \\ \\ **Student 3**\\ Learned: There are a lot of ways you can look at light, we all came up with different ways to look at light. \\ Wants to Know: Why did the filament leave a shadow instead of a brighter light? \\ \\ **Student 4**\\ Learned: Still searching for something I learned and can be honest with it. \\ Wants to Know: I want to know how to think about things and translate them to others. \\ \\ **Student 5**\\ Learned: I learned more specifics about how you can manipulate shadows and light. \\ Wants to Know: What to learn more about lamps and how the cones around the lamp effect the shadow.\\ \\ **Student 6**\\ Learned: We all learned about light in a different way \\ Wants to Know: Which ways are people going to learn and how it will be presented in this class. \\ \\ **Student 7**\\ Learned: An object can cast more than one shadow. \\ Wants to Know: What happens when you have more than one light? \\ \\ **Student 8**\\ Learned: The different ways you can manipulate light and shadows \\ Wants to Know: What else you can do to change shadows? \\ \\ **Student 9**\\ Learned: Interested in the different shadows. \\ Wants to Know: What can you do to change shadows? \\ \\ **Student 10**\\ Learned: When you see the filament, you see a shadow.\\ Wants to Know: Can you make a light reflected? \\ \\ **Student 11**\\ Learned: When you move the light up and down the shadow moves with it \\ Wants to Know: What else can you do to change the shadow? \\ \\ **Student 12**\\ Learned: Every object created a shadow\\ Wants to Know: Is there a way to not create a shadow? \\ \\ **Student 13**\\ Learned: The filament creates a shadow. \\ Wants to Know: What happens when it doesn't create a shadow \\ \\ **Student 14**\\ Learned: Light leaves the source in all directions \\ Wants to Know: At what age did people learn about light in the class? \\ **Student 15**\\ Learned: The filament makes the shadow and the bulb makes a small shadow \\ Wants to Know: What was the role of the glass from the light bulb on the shadow? \\ \\ **Student 16**\\ Learned: How to change the shadows by moving the light and the block \\ Wants to Know: Why the barrier of the light effects the shadow? \\ \\ **Student 17**\\ Learned: \\ Wants to Know: \\ \\ \\**Peer Instructor**\\ Learned: Had a great experience on the first day talking in front of everyone. \\ Wants to Know: How the term will go \\ \\ **Peer Instructor**\\ Learned: How each term is different and each group of students is different. \\ Wants to Know: How will this group of students progress throughout the term?\\ \\ **Instructor**\\ Learned: Everyone was excited about rainbows and the poster that will be placed downstairs in Weniger will be about rainbows. It was nice and exciting to see everyone was interested in rainbows. I now have to change the course to reflect your interests. \\ Wants to Know: How am I going to change the course to reflect your interests \\ \\