Exploring Physics Learning in the Context of Light

Each small group gets a large piece of chart paper and magic markers to draw pictures of themselves as successful learners about light and to make a list of aspects that fostered their learning. (about 10 minutes)

• Think about something about light that you learned at some point in your life, inside or outside of school, that you enjoyed learning. (such as: experiences with sunshine, rainbows, flashlights, eye glasses, growing plants, mirages, mirrors…); share this experience with group members

• Draw a picture of yourself when you were learning about light and enjoying the process. Make a vivid, colorful, large picture that will interest others. Note age you were when you learned this.

• What fostered your learning in that instance?

• With your group members, make a list of aspects of your learning experiences that helped you learn about light in effective and enjoyable ways.

Next the members of each small group introduce themselves by describing their positive experiences learning about light and aspects that had fostered their learning. (about 15 minutes)

Then as a whole group we analyze those experiences –
• What were the aspects that fostered science learning for all of the members of the class?

Two volunteers write down the aspects on chart paper as these are articulated.
These form our framework for ways to foster science learning. (about 10 minutes)