
Student 1
Learned: Learned about shadows
Wants to Know: How I can implement this into a lesson plan.

Student 2
Learned: That there is a binch of different ways to learn about shadows, and that there are individual ways to figure it out.
Wants to Know: How the light reflects off paper?

Student 3
Learned: More about how ligh affects objects around the room.
Wants to Know: How he will react to open ended class style.

Student 4Using a barrier helped learn about light.
Learned:Using a barrier helped learn about light.
Wants to Know: How many tools can be used to teach light.

Student 5
Learned: Learned about light.
Wants to Know: How long people can learn about light?

Student 6
Learned: How many different ways to make different kinds of shadows.
Wants to Know: Why there was a lighter shadow around the dark shadow?

Student 7
Learned: Time is important for these kinds of activities.
Wants to Know: Experimenting with two different lamps and observing shadows produced.

Student 8
Learned: Using different supplies created so many different results.
Wants to Know: What more things we could do with the objects

Student 9
Wants to Know: Multiple lights.

Student 10
Learned: How diff. people learn differently.
Wants to Know: how this class will affect us as teachers.

Student 11
Wants to Know: specific names for shadows?

Student 12
Learned: Each shadow is different, tilting barrier changes shadow.
Wants to Know: With diff. shapes, if yiu could recreate same shadow?

Student 13
Learned: How using different objects and different sized groups affected learning.
Wants to Know: How cutting a star into a piece of paper would produce a star shadow?

Student 14
Learned: How two shadows are created.
Wants to Know: How this will help us outside classroom.

Student 15
Learned: How we remember our light history.
Wants to Know:

Student 16
Wants to Know:

Peer Instructor
Learned: It's not always easy to give clear instructions to a larger group.
Wants to Know: How can I be a more effective explainer.

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Peer Instrctor
Learned: Every class is different, interesting to see how varied they are.
Wants to Know: Wondering how well this term is going to?

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Learned: Be careful how you put down your vertical lightbulb.
Wants to Know: Whether we should teach about lunar eclipse?