
Student 1
Learned: Why clouds are created in the afternoon at the beach
Wants to Know: What the solar eclipse is going to be visible

Student 2
Learned: Why the beach and the ocean have different temperatures
Wants to Know: How will this be explained at discovery days

Student 3
Learned: Light reflectivity and the reflectivity of water and sand
Wants to Know: Discovery days

Student 4
Learned: When we were playing with the foil how the shiny side and the not so shiny side have different reflectivity. How to articulate thermal relations with sand and water
Wants to Know: Will I have time for homework??

Student 5
Learned: Specific heat of sand
Wants to Know: How did I do on my sections 1 and 2

Student 6
Learned: Local weather and clouds with sea breeze
Wants to Know: How did I do on Chapter 1

Student 7
Learned: What the specific heat of sand is
Wants to Know: What are the highest and lowest specific heat on earth?

Student 8
Learned: How light reflects off of different objects
Wants to Know: Will I see the sun or the moon anytime soon?

Student 9
Learned: Clouds at beach. Sand at the beach.
Wants to Know: How the material changes the light reflectivity

Student 10
Wants to Know:

Student 11
Wants to Know:

Peer Instructor
Learned: How to make some cool looking graphs
Wants to Know: How you can work computer light into this activity

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Wants to Know: