
Student 1
Learned: powerful ideas are a big aspect that can be applied to bigger concepts
Wants to Know: if the ray hits your eye how does your brain transform that?

Student 2
Learned:the ray diagram, an object being projected upside down.
Wants to Know: the idea that the image is flipped inside the eye

Student 3
Learned: that rays travel in all directions and in straight lines from the sun
Wants to Know: what causes the moon to change shape?

Student 4
Learned: learned how to apply the powerful ideas
Wants to Know: how would the pinhole work with different shaped objects?

Student 5
Learned: light travels in all directions from the source no matter the shape or size
Wants to Know: how does this vary

Student 6
Learned: how the image is seen upside down
Wants to Know: what would happen if you use a longer length of tube for the pinhole?

Student 7
Learned: you can only see something if light rays hit it
Wants to Know:

Student 8
Learned: light rays travel from one particular spot everywhere
Wants to Know: when its dark you can see somethings, are we ever in complete darkness?

Student 9
Learned: if you keep the powerful ideas in mind they can help explain a lot
Wants to Know: how big can the pinhole be before you can no longer see the object upside down

Peer Instructor
Learned: even thought i have done it multiple times i still mess up
Wants to Know: what else i will get wrong, and how i can deal with that

Peer Instructor
Learned: after much repetition of drawing the pinhole diagram, you will memorize it and beable to redraw it 3 months later
Wants to Know: how i can improve prompting students, not just giving them the answer

Learned: every time I teach this is different, and fun
Wants to Know: if I can ever get to the point of managing time well