
Student 1
Learned: Visuals are really great for me, especially with words
Wants to Know: How to translate to kids language using the equation

Student 2
Learned: More about the law of conservation of engery
Wants to Know: More in depth with refraction and reflection to understand more about law of conservation

Student 3
Learned: Need to look at the data in front of you instead of what you already know
Wants to Know: How to translate this to a first grade level, mixing of hot and cold water

Student 4
Learned: Even though I understand it is hard to explain what is happening
Wants to Know: How to explain it later

Student 5
Learned: Compare data from mixing different amounts of hot and cold water to really understand it
Wants to Know: If we will see both the sun and moon at the same time

Student 6
Learned: New symbols such as delta meaning change
Wants to Know: Using different colors to help make it easier for kids to understand the change in the temperature

Student 7
Learned: About what the law of conservation really is
Wants to Know: Where you can get the plates for the feeling for different temperatures

Student 8
Learned: Heat is leaving the body and not cold going into the body
Wants to Know: If the math is going to hinder me because I don't do well with math

Student 9
Learned: Really good to ask questions, if I question things others probably have the same question
Wants to Know: If I understand this as well as I think I do

Student 10
Learned: Also learned its really good to voice questions
Wants to Know: Makes sense now, so wondering if it will still make sense later

Student 11
Learned: Good lesson in continuing to work even when you get frustrated
Wants to Know: How many more things I have been taught in math that are different for the experiments we have done in class

Student 12
Learned: How math I learned before relates to things we have done but how it is different for the water
Wants to Know: Clear enough skys to see the moon

Student 13
Learned: Learned what the law of conservation is
Wants to Know:

Student 14
Learned: Thought they would need alot of help but worked out the equation on their own
Wants to Know: Will they be able to see the moon this week

Student 15
Wants to Know:

\\Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Wants to Know: