
Student 1
Learned: Learned a lot. Putting powerful ideas into the concept. Apply concepts.
Wants to Know: Does the shape make a difference on the projection?

Student 2
Learned:light goes in all directions
Wants to know:

Student 3
Learned: Light going in all directions. Using multiple models
Wants to Know: Curious about different variables with the camera

Student 4
Learned: Why the projection appears upside down
Wants to Know:Putting different light sources

Student 5
Learned: How image was upside down
Wants to Know: Curious about moon changes

Student 6
Learned: Why image is upside down
Wants to Know: Would a different light source work? Outside?

Student 7
Learned: Light travels in all directions and in straight lines
Wants to Know: using different sources

Student 8
Learned: Light travels in all directions
Wants to Know: Using multiple foil layers on a pinhole camera

Peer Instructor
Learned: How questions fuel different responses
Wants to Know: which way is the light traveling from the bulb? Other directions?

Peer Instructor
Learned: How they decide when Easter is.
Wants to Know:Able to wake up for the lunar eclipse

Peer Instructor
Learned: How to type up these responses
Wants to Know: How much more will I learn

Learned:Took wax paper off and could still see projection
Wants to Know: If eclipse will be visible