
Student 1
Learned:how to explain what I know about green house gases
Wants to Know:how we are going to expand on this topic

Student 2
Learned: more about how the greenhouse effect is working and why it is occurring
Wants to Know: how my idea of light is going to keep evolving

Student 3
Learned: more about greenhouse gasses and how they trap infrared light
Wants to Know: wondering more about greenhouse gasses and more about infrared light

Student 4
Learned: the diagram helped me capture what I already know and more about infrared
Wants to Know:is there any way to fix energy budget, or is it too late

Student 5
Learned:more about greenhouse effect
Wants to Know: how I will use what I know on the lab report

Student 6
Learned:I didn't make the connection with light and heat with infrared
Wants to Know: what else we are going to do with greenhouse effect

Student 7
Learned:light travels also in waves
Wants to Know: how the lab is going to go

Student 8
Learned: infrared light put together heat and light
Wants to Know: are schools teaching more about greenhouse effect and global warming

Student 9
Learned: more about greenhouse gasses and what it is
Wants to Know: where we will go next

Student 10
Learned: infrared and new vocabulary lie emissivity
Wants to Know: fixed and rotating earth model and how to moon fits in

Student 11
Wants to Know:

Student 12
Wants to Know:

Peer Instructor
Learned: strengthened my knowledge about the earth and different models
Wants to Know: how things are going to continue to go

Peer Instructor
Learned: how it can be confusing to talk about light as traveling in straight lines and light can also travel as a wave
Wants to Know:How thursday is going to go!

Learned: how nice it is to have peer instructors
Wants to Know: