Student 1
Learned: Interesting to look at light in a diff. perspective (pinhole: upside down bulb).
Wants to Know: How can we get it to turn right side up.
Student 2
Learned: Learned images can be flipped upside down with a pinhole.
Wants to Know: How to flip image back up.
Student 3
Learned: How images can appear upside down using pinhole.
Wants to Know: How to flip image back up.
Student 4
Learned: How pinholes flip image.
Wants to Know: How being farther away from bigger pinhole works.
Student 5
Learned: Pinholes flip image.
Wants to Know: How we could use this with the sun.
Student 6
Learned: Solidification of lines traveling in straight line.
Wants to Know: How size of hole affects image.
Student 7
Learned: How straight lines of light can affect how we see an image.
Wants to Know:
Student 8
Learned: How we see an upside down image.
Wants to Know: How more manipulations will affect image.
Student 9
Learned: How image was upside down.
Wants to Know: What will happen with multiple holes.
Student 10
Learned: How images can appear upside down with manipulation.
Wants to Know: Can you use things other than foil?
Student 11
Learned:How lightbulb was upside down.
Wants to Know: How outside light affects image.
Student 12
Learned: Lightbulb image was upside down.
Wants to Know: How your eyes are affected by this process.
Student 13
Learned: You know more than you think you do.
Wants to Know: What else I know in relation to this class.
Student 14
Learned: Understanding how pinholes work.
Wants to Know: How big you can make the hole with the image still focused.
Student 15
Learned: The process of pinhole cameras.
Wants to Know: How tube and hole size affect image outcome.
Student 16
Learned: How pinhole cameras work.
Wants to Know: What would happen with a bigger size tube.
Student 17
Learned: Interesting to see image was upside down not right side up.
Wants to Know: How hole size and distance from light interact.
Student 18
Wants to Know:
Student 19
Wants to Know:
Student 20
Wants to Know:
Peer Instructor
Learned: Class structure is important for learning.
Wants to Know: More about how to re-flip image right side up.
Peer Instructor
Learned: How creative students can be.
Wants to Know: More about how to re-flip image right side up.
Peer Instructor
Learned: More about how to push someone in the right direction without giving it away.
Wants to Know: How shape of camera can affect outcome.
Peer Instructor
Learned: How quickly you guys pick up on things.
Wants to Know: How you guys will do with future materials.
Learned: How to instruct a class in a different environment than normal. It can work okay.
Wants to Know: How the websites will turn out.