Fall 2009: Day 17 Reflections

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Fall 2009-Day 17
The Instructional Strategy of Reflection

What did you learn? What are you still curious about?
I learned about the nano-technology that he was using, but I couldn't really wrap my head around what he was talking about. I'm still curious about the equation we have on the board.
It takes only about 3 and a half hours for the moon to be in the same position that the earth was in earlier. What do they actually do with nano-technology. I know that they do a lot of experiments, but what are they trying to get out of the experiments?
I learned a lot about technology, about little tiny circuits, etc. The electron flow is a current, right? But he said it was an outside thing. So why is it not going through the tube? I'd like to learn more about that.
I thought it was neat that they were able to write their names so small that you couldn't even see it. I'm still wondering about the equation too…
The pictures that we see is topographical data that gets turned into pictures; they don't even look at the actual pictures. I get the equation, but I do to understand why it takes 3 and a half hours, not 7 days.
The nano-technology was very interesting. You can magnify the butterfly by moving the screen back. The equation…