
Student 1
Learned: the infrared
Wants to Know: how I will do on the paper

Student 2
Learned: the electromagnetic spectrum and the videos how your hand is emitting heat
Wants to Know: how the paper will go

Student 3
Learned: how the greenhouse effect works
Wants to Know: excited for Discovery Day

Student 4
Learned: more about the greenhouse effect and how it is related to a car on a hot day
Wants to Know: more about the different types of rays, what ones are safe and what ones are harmful to be around

Student 5
Learned: that we emitt infrared
Wants to Know: why is a microwave harmful, how do the different waves effect us differently

Student 6
Learned: my car gets so hot because the light can't get out not the heat
Wants to Know: what other experiments you can do with an infrared camera

Student 7
Learned: more about the electromagnetic spectrum
Wants to Know: with a rainbow, why the colors line up the way they do and why they are not all the same color

Peer Instructor
Learned: made the connection between radiatior heating and how that effects my flooded car
Wants to Know: what will happen after discovery days

Peer Instructor
Learned: I still struggle with the moon dance, and found that I can write down the moon phases much easier than acting it out
Wants to Know: who discovery days will go and if you will enjoy it or get completely frustrated

Learned: if you take out a piece of the course, it causes problems
Wants to Know: if we will add back in that material into the course