Fall 2009: Day 7 Reflections

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The Instructional Strategy of Reflection
Fall 2009-Day 7

What did you learn? What are you still curious about?
I learned a moon dance and I feel more comfortable now going to the elementary school. I am wondering how the midterm is going to go
I learned what we need to cover once we go to the classroom. I'm wondering how the elementary school visit is going to go.
I learned that water bends light rays! How will Thursday go from beginning to end?
Water bends light. How does water bend the light? Does the angle matter? Does your eye placement matter? What about with different liquids?
I figured out the different moon stages, and the terms waxing and waning. I'm curious about the water and how it all works.
The ray of light bends when it hits the water. How will our Thursday trip to the elementary school go?
I was glad we clarified the moon confusion. How does the density of the material affect how the light bends?
I learned the moon dance. I'm curious how the midterm is going to go.
I liked that we got to create lesson plans to create outlines for how to go about teaching the children. What will the children get out of the visit, what will we get out of the visit?
I's not always easy to get people to an understanding without actually tell them. How will our teachings about the moon go over with the children?