
Student 1
Learned: Learned more about structuring a lesson effectively
Wants to Know: How many more revisions will we have to make before Tuesday

Student 2
Learned: About what different countries are doing to help climate change
Wants to Know: How many countries will follow through with plans

Student 3
Learned: Effectively structure lesson plans
Wants to Know: Moon predictions for this month

Student 4
Learned: Larsen B in Antarctic ice sheet collapsed
Wants to Know: How much more is going to collapse without predictions and will we just be surprised one day

Student 5
Learned: I need to reduce my carbon footprint
Wants to Know: How will students react to our evaluation worksheets

Student 6
Learned: More about global warming and how it will affect us. Ice sheets
Wants to Know: Worksheets

Student 7
Learned: Carbon Footprint
Wants to Know: Worksheets

Student 8
Learned: Ways to reduce your carbon footprint
Wants to Know: How smoothly it will go

Student 9
Learned: Structuring a lesson plan
Wants to Know: How will the day go with the students

Student 10
Learned: What the US government is doing to combat climate change
Wants to Know: Will the students like it

Student 11
Learned: Ice cliffs make a glacier less stable
Wants to Know: 2030 will regulations and policies be stricter

Student 12
Learned: Resources available for teachers
Wants to Know: Lesson plan and questions will make sense to the students or have to change them around

Student 13
Learned: How the university provides information about climate change
Wants to Know: How will our lesson plan go

Student 14
Learned: Antarctica would be stable, but no longer
Wants to Know: How will the final exam go?

Student 15
Learned: Sea level rising and how it is impacting climate change
Wants to Know: Wondering more about CO2

Student 16
Learned: More about global climate change
Wants to Know: Policy changes

Peer Instructor
Learned: I learned about how scary global climate change is
Wants to Know: I'm wondering what the future holds

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Learned: Learned that people actually paid attention to the movie. It was worth doing.
Wants to Know: Wondering about the wisdom of trying to do motion in 20 minutes. The toss ball.