
Student 1
Learned: graph freezing vs melting
Wants to Know:moon changing over the month

Student 2
Learned: transporartion
Wants to Know: moon goes from smaller to bigger

Student 3
Learned:food coloring mixture colors
Wants to Know: excited for illustration books

Student 4
Learned: water cycle
Wants to Know: beach day

Student 5
Learned: convection
Wants to Know:wind on thursday

Student 6
Learned: water cycle
Wants to Know: different kinds of wind

Student 7
Learned: details of water cycle
Wants to Know: hope to see moon

Student 8
Learned: learned about solid to a gas- sublimimation
Wants to Know: clouds

Student 9
Learned: ice and water heating up doesn't change temperature until fully melts
Wants to Know: water interacts with temperature- salt water mimic ocean

Student 10
Learned: transperation
Wants to Know: put equal amounts of food coloring, would it be purple

Student 11
Learned: when water is boiling, stays at constant temp
Wants to Know: wondering about moon, what will it be Thursday

Student 12
Wants to Know:

Student 13
Wants to Know:

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Wants to Know: