
Student 1
Learned: Learned about quarter moon and that is where the earth was a few hours ago
Wants to Know: How Thanksgiving will go

Student 2
Learned: learned about all the grapsh
Wants to Know: how tuesday will go

Student 3
Learned: Can relate graphs to other things when learning about graphs
Wants to Know:

Student 4
Learned: How to make graphs vague
Wants to Know: How the rest of the term will go

Student 5
Learned: Moving toward the motion detector is moving in a negative direction
Wants to Know:

Student 6
Wants to Know:

Student 7
Learned: moving towards is negative
Wants to Know:

Student 8
Learned: Moving toward the detector is negative motion
Wants to Know:

Student 9
Learned: How to make the graphs and analogy with going to portland or eugene helped
Wants to Know:

Student 10
Wants to Know: how text book turned out.

Student 11
Wants to Know:

Peer Instructor
Learned: I learned more about the graph program, adjusting the heights
Wants to Know: How tuesday will go.

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Wants to Know: