
Student 1
Learned: Learned more about the moon and how it moves in the sky and when to look in the sky for the different phases.
Wants to Know: What we will be doing with the motion the rest of the term.

Student 2
Learned: Better understanding of how to know when the moon phases are changing.
Wants to Know: What we are going to learn about motion.

Student 3
Learned: The times when the moon rises and sets based on the sun.
Wants to Know: What motion increases the velocity.

Student 4
Learned: More about the shapes of the moon and when it rises and sets.
Wants to Know: Curious about motion and velocity.

Student 5
Learned: Learned about the times of the moon and sun.
Wants to Know: More about motion and how we are going to teach the students about it.

Student 6
Learned: More about the moon and feel a lot better about it.
Wants to Know: Why when we run in front of the motion detector the velocity changes?

Student 7
Wants to Know: What questions the students will have about motion.

Student 8
Learned: A better understanding of the moon and how it moves.
Wants to Know: How you would teach motion detectors to students.

Student 9
Learned: More about the moon with the song and the dance.
Wants to Know: How the exploration of motion is going to go.

Student 10
Learned: How each phase of the moon is during a certain amount of time.
Wants to Know: Specific ways motion, position and velocity relate to each other.

Student 11
Learned:When the sun and moon rises and sets.
Wants to Know: What is going to happen with motion.

Student 12
Learned: How people work in groups and how different everyone's thinking is.
Wants to Know: What graphs or equations are we going to come up with when it comes to motion.

Student 13
Learned: Relationship between motion and velocity.
Wants to Know: How the weeks and months are based on the moon why we have leap year.

Student 14
Learned: The moon cycle based on its phases.
Wants to Know: Why velocity is negative.

Student 15
Learned: The phases of the moon and when it rises and sets.
Wants to Know: More about motion.

Student 16
Wants to Know:

Peer Instructor
Learned: How well everyone grasped the concepts from today with hardly any questions.
Wants to Know: What we did different today compared to other terms when it came to everyone grasping the concepts.

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Learned: Singing during the moon dance is actually helpful.
Wants to Know: How far should we go with concepts this term.