
Student 1
Learned: I feel more comfortable with all of the material that you've explained. It helped to look over things a second time.

Student 2
Learned: I learned more about finding the temperature of hot water, and the extension of the formula that I already knew.
Wants to Know: I'm wondering if I could talk about this stuff with my 4th/5th grade kids.

Student 3
Learned: I learned about how to find the temperature of the hot water.
Wants to Know: How the midterm will go.

Student 4
Learned: I learned to be more careful when answering questions.
Wants to Know: Will I get to see the moon on Saturday?

Student 5
Learned: How you create an equation for temperature.
Wants to Know: Curious about how the midterm will go.

Student 6
Learned: Today was more of a review.
Wants to Know: How will the midterm go?

Student 7
Learned: Conservation of energy.
Wants to Know: When will we see the moon again?

Student 8
Learned: I always forget to put the person inside of the room [pinhole camera].
Wants to Know: How will the midterm go?

Student 9
Learned: Today was a review.
Wants to Know: How will the midterm go?

Student 10

Learned: How to find the original temperature of hot/cold water.
Wants to Know: I'm hoping I'll use the correct vocabulary on the test.

Student 11
Learned: To be more detailed in my explanations, and to be more organized.
Wants to Know: How are we going to take what we learned and change it to vocabulary kids will understand.