Geometry of Special Relativity wiki 2020-01-26T13:08:36-08:00 Geometry of Special Relativity text/html 2012-04-07T10:42:25-08:00 wiki:copyright © 2010--2012, Tevian Dray text/html 2007-06-26T11:27:15-08:00 wiki:dokuwiki [Array] DokuWiki is a standards compliant, simple to use wp>Wiki, mainly aimed at creating documentation of any kind. It is targeted at developer teams, workgroups and small companies. It has a simple but powerful syntax which makes sure the datafiles remain readable outside the Wiki and eases the creation of structured texts. All data is stored in plain text files -- no database is required. text/html 2012-04-14T19:14:50-08:00 wiki:info Technical information about this wiki This Wiki uses the MathJax JavaScript package to display mathematics. Furthermore, the DokuWiki syntax has been modified to permit the same source files to be used to generate both wiki pages and PDF files via LaTeX. Further information can be found by following the links below. text/html 2012-04-14T19:15:24-08:00 wiki:info_js Technical information about this wiki This wiki uses the jsMath JavaScript package to display mathematics. Furthermore, the DokuWiki syntax has been modified to permit the same source files to be used to generate both wiki pages and PDF files via LaTeX. Further information can be found by following the links below. text/html 2012-04-14T19:14:50-08:00 wiki:info_jx Technical information about this wiki This Wiki uses the MathJax JavaScript package to display mathematics. Furthermore, the DokuWiki syntax has been modified to permit the same source files to be used to generate both wiki pages and PDF files via LaTeX. Further information can be found by following the links below. text/html 2012-04-15T08:55:19-08:00 wiki:install WikiTeX Introduction This wiki is based on DokuWiki, but modifies the standard syntax in order to permit the same source files to be used by both the wiki and LaTeX. Our configuration is documented below; feedback is welcome. Getting Started You will need: text/html 2012-04-15T08:56:42-08:00 wiki:install_js WikiTeX Introduction This wiki is based on DokuWiki, but modifies the standard syntax in order to permit the same source files to be used by both the wiki and LaTeX. Our configuration is documented below; feedback is welcome. Getting Started You will need: text/html 2012-04-15T08:55:19-08:00 wiki:install_jx WikiTeX Introduction This wiki is based on DokuWiki, but modifies the standard syntax in order to permit the same source files to be used by both the wiki and LaTeX. Our configuration is documented below; feedback is welcome. Getting Started You will need: text/html 2009-09-28T11:08:53-08:00 wiki:jsmath Reading Mathematics in this Wiki This Wiki uses the jsMath JavaScript package to display mathematics. This works reasonably well out of the box on most browsers, although you may find that downloading these fonts will give better quality results. (You may get a warning message to this effect the first time you load a jsMath page.) text/html 2009-10-17T14:27:15-08:00 wiki:latexsyntax Text Formatting This wiki understands some basic LaTeX syntax. For example \textit{italic text} \textbf{boldface text} results in italic text and boldface text, respectively. Similar results can be achieved with {\itshape italic text} {\bfseries boldface text} resulting in italic text and boldface text. These can be combined as in text/html 2012-04-14T19:11:11-08:00 wiki:math Reading Mathematics in this Wiki This Wiki uses the MathJax JavaScript package to display mathematics. This works reasonably well out of the box on most browsers. * Double-clicking on an equation expands it (single click to exit); * Right-clicking on an equation should bring up a menu with more options. text/html 2012-04-14T19:11:11-08:00 wiki:mathjax Reading Mathematics in this Wiki This Wiki uses the MathJax JavaScript package to display mathematics. This works reasonably well out of the box on most browsers. * Double-clicking on an equation expands it (single click to exit); * Right-clicking on an equation should bring up a menu with more options. text/html 2012-11-04T14:46:41-08:00 wiki:mathsyntax Getting started This Wiki uses the MathJax JavaScript package to display mathematics. In order to enable MathJax on a page you create in this wiki, you should add the following code to the start of the page: {{page>book:macros:header}} Inline mathematics The wiki will now automatically understand most simple LaTeX commands. For example, typing text/html 2010-07-15T14:02:28-08:00 wiki:navigation * About this wiki * Table of Contents * Activities * Technical info ---------- * ---------- * Site map * Recent Changes text/html 2009-09-17T18:46:10-08:00 wiki:syntax DokuWiki supports some simple markup language, which tries to make the datafiles to be as readable as possible. This page contains all possible syntax you may use when editing the pages. Simply have a look at the source of this page by pressing the Edit this page button at the top or bottom of the page. If you want to try something, just use the playground page. The simpler markup is easily accessible via quickbuttons, too.