Suppose that in a particular inertial frame the electric field $\EE$ and magnetic field $\BB$ are neither perpendicular nor parallel to each other.
1. Yes! Setting the cross product of (25) and (24) of §11.2 equal to zero, using the vector identity $\uu \times (\vv \times \ww) = (\uu\cdot\ww) \vv - (\uu\cdot\vv) \ww$ and the fact that $\vv$ is perpendicular to both $\EE$ and $\BB$, leads to \begin{equation} \frac{\overc{\vvs}}{1+\overcc{|\vvs|^2}} = \frac{\EE\times \cc\BB}{|\EE|^2+\csq|\BB|^2} \end{equation}
2. No; $\EE\cdot\BB$ is invariant according to (22) of §11.6.