The Geometry of Vector Calculus toc:mguide 2020-01-26T14:51:07-08:00 The Geometry of Vector Calculus text/html 2012-10-31T17:20:00-08:00 toc:mguide:ch1 Part I: Mathematics Chapter 1: Coordinates and Vectors (ss)Vectors(ss)The Dot Product: Instructor's Guide(ss)The Dot Product(ss)The Law of Cosines(ss)Curvilinear Coordinates(ss)Activity: Curvilinear Basis Vectors(ss)Wrap-Up: Curvilinear Basis Vectors(ss)The Vector Differential(ss)Other Coordinate Systems for $d\rr$(ss)Activity: Determining $d\rr$ in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates(ss)Wrap-Up: Coordinate Expressions for $d\rr$ Chapter 2: Integrals text/html 2012-10-31T17:21:00-08:00 toc:mguide:ch2 Part I: Mathematics Chapter 1: Coordinates and Vectors Chapter 2: Integrals (ss)Densities(ss)Integration(ss)Line Integrals(ss)Vector Line Integrals(ss)Use What You Know(ss)Surfaces(ss)The Cross Product(ss)Surface Elements(ss)Activity: Surface Elements on Planes, Cylinders and Spheres(ss)Wrapup: Surface Elements on Planes, Cylinders, and Spheres(ss)Flux(ss)Highly Symmetric Surfaces(ss)Less Symmetric Surfaces(ss)Spheres in Cylindrical Coordinates(ss)Parametric Surfaces(ss)Scalar Surface Int… text/html 2011-10-15T08:02:54-08:00 toc:mguide:ch3 Part I: Mathematics Chapter 1: Coordinates and Vectors Chapter 2: Integrals Chapter 3: Derivatives (ss)Partial Derivatives: Instructor's Guide(ss)Partial Derivatives(ss)Gradient: Instructor's Guide(ss)Gradient(ss)Directional Derivatives(ss)The Gradient in Curvilinear Coordinates(ss)Independence of Path(ss)Conservative Vector Fields(ss)Finding Potential Functions(ss)Visualizing Conservative Vector Fields(ss)Divergence: Instructor's Guide(ss)Divergence(ss)The Divergence Theorem(ss)The Diverg… text/html 2012-10-31T17:21:00-08:00 toc:mguide:ch4 Part I: Mathematics Chapter 1: Coordinates and Vectors Chapter 2: Integrals Chapter 3: Derivatives Chapter 4: Power Series (ss)Power Series(ss)Activity: Finding Power Series Coefficients(ss)Wrap-Up: Finding Power Series Coefficients(ss)Dimensions in Power Series(ss)Getting Started with Maple(ss)Activity: Using Technology to Visualize Power Series Approximations (ss)Wrap-Up: Using Technology to Visualize Power Series Approximations(ss)Common Power Series(ss)Convergence of Power Se… text/html 2011-10-15T08:02:54-08:00 toc:mguide:ch5 Part I: Mathematics Chapter 1: Coordinates and Vectors Chapter 2: Integrals Chapter 3: Derivatives Chapter 4: Power Series Chapter 5: Delta Functions (ss)Step Functions(ss)The Dirac Delta Function(ss)Exercise: Delta Functions 1(ss)Properties of the Dirac Delta Function(ss)Exercise: Delta Functions 2(ss)Representations of the Dirac Delta Function(ss)The Dirac Delta Function in Three Dimensions(ss)The Dirac Delta Function and Densities text/html 2011-10-15T08:02:54-08:00 toc:mguide:mguide Part I: Mathematics Chapter 1: Coordinates and Vectors Chapter 2: Integrals Chapter 3: Derivatives Chapter 4: Power Series Chapter 5: Delta Functions