=== Text Formatting === This wiki understands some basic LaTeX syntax. For example \textit{italic text} \textbf{boldface text} results in \textit{italic text} and \textbf{boldface text}, respectively. Similar results can be achieved with {\itshape italic text} {\bfseries boldface text} resulting in {\itshape italic text} and {\bfseries boldface text}. These can be combined as in \textbf{{\itshape bold italics}} resulting in \textbf{{\itshape bold italics}}, but note the need for an extra set of curly brackets compared with standard LaTeX usage. === Typography === This Wiki understands the following LaTeX syntax `` '' ~ \'e \`e \"o resulting in: `` '' ~ \'e \`e \"o. Note that the combination "\ " for a forced space is not understood; use a tilde instead. To get an actual tilde (%%%%~%%%%) enter the following: %%%%~%%%% === Lists === This wiki understands LaTeX list syntax. For example, \begin{enumerate}\item numbered list first item \item numbered list second item \begin{itemize}\item unnumbered sublist \item second item \end{itemize} third item \end{enumerate} results in: \begin{enumerate}\item numbered list first item \item numbered list second item \begin{itemize}\item unnumbered sublist \item second item \end{itemize} \item third item \end{enumerate} Note however that the first %%%%\item%%%% command in each list should appear exactly as above, immediately following the \begin{...} command on the same line.