The later chapters for the Symmetries table of contents do not exist.
We should surely have a section or sections that record the formulas that are on the inside front cover of Griffiths. This should be nicely formatted when printed. Sections like Laplacian should link to it.
TD: This section exists in the guide! See divgradcurl.
Consider whether some sections (such as the introduction) should occur outside of units devoted to individual courses. Are separate introductions to the courses and/or a separate introduction to the book needed?
Use a consistent voice: “Physicists/Scientists/Mathematicians/Professionals”, “you” (for students), “we” (for either authors alone or authors and readers).
Construct framework for homework
Construct framework for parallel Maple/Mathematica
Decide how to number figures (and equations?)
Choose format(s) for figures – all boxed? not boxed when full line? don't use full line figures?
Description of “chopping and adding”, emphasizing the relationship between chopping in all directions (surface and volume elements) and chopping in some directions only due to symmetry (e.g. surfaces of revolution).
consider moving the last paragraph on special functions to somewhere in the power series unit.
(Already done in seriesdimension — so consider removing from here.)
Fix “This” is a useful strategy; add relevant hw problem? Partially done (TD)
potentials major rewrite needed (CAM)
scalarfields discuss so as to ensure OK for both math and physics
mapleintro update for Mathematica!
superposition rewrite (CAM)
Create vpoints2hint (and correct toc)
Stokes' theorem and/or Ampere's law (or maybe in the physics section somewhere, or both (yeah wikis!)). Add a regular problem, using Stokes' theorem (i.e. Ampere's law) on a thick cylindrical wire. Add challenge problems, using Stokes' theorem (i.e. Ampere's law) on a thin wire (the limit of the previous problem with delta functions), an open cylinder, and a Moebius strip. What do these problems tell you about the necessary conditions for Stokes' theorem to be true?
(Many of these are actually from Derivatives section of Math Book.)
Product Rules Add some comments about what possible things del can do. Add a comment about how these rule might be proved. Add a deep link to actual proofs?
Integration by Parts Expand. Add a diagram showing a volume and a surface. Add words showing the geometry of the “surface” term.
Electrostatic Energy Fix wikitex, check if this section needs expansion/clarification.
Murder Mystery Method How do we want to handle the curl test? Where should a discussion of this go? How should the wiki links work for multiple routes through the book?
Finding Potential Functions Does this section have the right physics examples?
Second Derivatives Add diagrams!!!!
Second Derivatives and Maxwell's equations Expand and clarify this section