==== Changes to the Book as a whole ====
The later chapters for the [[toc:symmetries:|Symmetries table of contents]] do
not exist.
We should surely have a section or sections that record the formulas that are
on the inside front cover of Griffiths. This should be nicely formatted when
printed. Sections like [[book:math:laplacian|Laplacian]] should link to it.
//TD: This section exists in the guide! See [[book:guide:divgradcurl]].//
Consider whether some sections (such as the
[[book:physics:intro|introduction]]) should occur outside of
units devoted to individual courses. Are separate introductions to the
courses and/or a separate introduction to the book needed?
Use a consistent voice: "Physicists/Scientists/Mathematicians/Professionals",
"you" (for students), "we" (for either authors alone or authors and readers).
Construct framework for homework
Construct framework for parallel Maple/Mathematica
Decide how to number figures (and equations?)
Choose format(s) for figures -- all boxed? not boxed when full line? don't use
full line figures?
==== New Sections Needed ====
Description of "chopping and adding", emphasizing the relationship between
chopping in all directions (surface and volume elements) and chopping in some
directions only due to symmetry (e.g. surfaces of revolution).
==== Symmetries ====
=== Unit 1: Point Charges ===
* Add a paragraph discussing our philosophy about geometric reasoning. //~~Drafted (TD)//
* Add easy hw
** consider moving the last paragraph on special functions to somewhere in the power series unit. \\\\ (Already done in [[book:math:seriesdimension]] --- so consider removing from here.)
* Consider switching from $\ihat$ etc to $\xhat$ etc, taking into account that this section lives in the math book.
* Add expert remark about bases and the history of quaternions
* Change $\aa$ to $\ww$. //~~Done (TD)//
* Add expert remark on orthogonality of zero vector. //~~Added as footnote (TD)//
* Add expert remark on linearity. //~~Added as footnote (TD)//
** Fix "This" is a useful strategy; add relevant hw problem? //~~Partially done (TD)//
* Make Law of Cosines a separate section (and expand proof?) //~~Partially done; good enough? (TD)//
* Turn cube question into hw problem
major rewrite needed (CAM)
discuss so as to ensure OK for both math and physics
update for Mathematica!
* Needs figures: fns of 1,2 variables //Done (TD)//
* Redo figure: $\rr$ points the wrong way, and needs angle $\gamma$ //~~Partially done (TD)//
* Number equations
* Expand comment about Law of Cosines and make it an expert remark
rewrite (CAM)
Create [[book:physics:vpoints2hint]] (and correct toc)
=== Unit 2: Power Series ===
* Decide which function to use
* Figure needs to be in color (and clarify which is which in caption)
* Consider adding a discussion of series not expanded at origin
* Add expert remark about the $\Gamma$ function
* Needs simple and expert version; current version is neither
* Don't just number; use "Theorem 1", etc.
* In Portfolios Wiki, ensure dipole activity split in two, as here.
=== Unit 3: Continuous Charges ===
* Add this section to toc ( (ss)10.5? )
=== Unit 4: Potentials ===
=== Unit 5: Electric Fields ===
=== Unit 6: Electrostatic Energy ===
=== Unit 7: Review ===
==== Static Vector Fields ====
=== Unit 1: Gauss's Law ===
=== Unit 2: Current and Magnetic Fields ===
=== Unit 3: Ampere's Law ===
[[book:math:stokes|Stokes' theorem and/or Ampere's law]] (or maybe
in the physics section somewhere, or both (yeah wikis!)). Add a regular
problem, using Stokes' theorem (i.e. Ampere's law) on a thick cylindrical
wire. Add challenge problems, using Stokes' theorem (i.e. Ampere's law) on a
thin wire (the limit of the previous problem with delta functions), an open
cylinder, and a Moebius strip. What do these problems tell you about the
necessary conditions for Stokes' theorem to be true?
=== Unit 4: Conductors and Boundary Conditions ===
=== Unit 5: Conservative Fields and Energy ===
(Many of these are actually from Derivatives section of Math Book.)
[[book:math:rules|Product Rules]] Add some comments about what possible things
del can do. Add a comment about how these rule might be proved. Add a deep
link to actual proofs?
[[book:math:parts|Integration by Parts]] Expand. Add a diagram showing a
volume and a surface. Add words showing the geometry of the "surface" term.
[[book:physics:energy|Electrostatic Energy]] Fix wikitex, check if this
section needs expansion/clarification.
[[book:math:mmm|Murder Mystery Method]] How do we want to handle the curl
test? Where should a discussion of this go? How should the wiki links work
for multiple routes through the book?
[[book:physics:find|Finding Potential Functions]] Does this section have the
right physics examples?
[[book:math:second|Second Derivatives]] Add diagrams!!!!
[[book:physics:second2|Second Derivatives and Maxwell's equations]] Expand and
clarify this section
=== Unit 6: Review ===