Figure 1: Defining the hyperbolic trigonometric functions via a (Lorentzian) hyperbola.

We now apply the same procedure to Lorentzian hyperbolas rather than Euclidean circles, as illustrated in Figure 1.

Again, notice the key role that arclength plays in this construction. 1)

See Hyperbola Geometry for further details.

1) And again, this is not as easy as it sounds. It is straightforward to use $x^2-t^2=\rho^2$ to obtain $x\,dx-t\,dt=0$, so that $d\tau^2=\rho^2\,dt^2/x^2$. But it is not obvious how to integrate $d\tau$ without using a (hyperbolic) trig substitution! Again, some algebra helps, since \[ d\beta = \frac{1}{\rho} \> d\tau = \frac{dt}{x} \, \frac{1+\frac{t}{x}}{1+\frac{t}{x}} = \frac{d(x+t)}{x+t} \] so that \[ \rho \, e^{\beta} = x + t \] from which the hyperbolic trig functions can be expressed as usual in terms of the exponential function, and arclength in terms of the logarithm function.