a. Undergraduate Research
For each credit enrolled, a student in CH 401 is expected to work on his or her research project a minimum of 3 hours per week averaged over the entire term.
b. External undergraduate research
Undergraduate chemistry majors may receive up to 6 credits per year for CH 401 for chemistry positions in laboratories outside the university. The position must involve a minimum of 100 hours per 3 cr of laboratory work and the student must submit to his or her adviser a ten-page final report summarizing the research completed. Students must enroll concurrently in CH 401 and obtain approval from their faculty adviser prior to the start of the position. The adviser will contact the external supervisor of the student, confirm that the program is appropriate, obtain in advance a written plan and agreement, and arrange for the supervisor to send a letter evaluating the student's performance. The adviser will submit a grade based on the student's report and supervisor's letter.
c. S-U Grading
Required courses for the chemistry major may not be taken S-U. These include all chemistry, math, and physics courses and other courses used to satisfy the any of the requirements of the option (e.g., specific courses, courses from a list of electives, or option electives courses approved by the academic adviser). An option is required for the B.S degree and all courses for the option are considered to be part of the major requirement.
d. GPA
Chemistry majors must maintain the University minimum of a 2.0 GPA in all OSU courses and also a 2.0 GPA in the courses required for the major which includes all chemistry, physics, math, and option courses
University policies
A double major means that a student has fulfilled the requirements in two departments and for example, the diploma would indicate a BS degree in chemistry and biology
A double degree means that a student has fulfilled the requirements in two departments and taken 32 more credits beyond the 180 and, for example, the diploma would indicate a BS degree in chemistry and a BS degree in biology
last updated02/25/2005