

B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1961

PhD University of Washington, 1966

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Professor Walter Loveland is primarily interested in the study of nucleus-nucleus collisions at low, intermediate and high energies. In studying the interactions of very energetic heavy colliding nuclei, he is probing conditions which have prevailed only in the very early moments of the universe. In the study of low energy reactions involving very heavy nuclei, the possibility of synthesizing new atomic nuclei or elements exists. Reactions induced by nuclei of intermediate energies can be used to study the quantum statistical mechanics of many body systems involving relatively small numbers of particles (<300).

Dr. Loveland studies the reactions of heavy (Z >54) nuclei. He measures the number of nuclear reaction products emitted with a given Z, A, energy, angle and the correlations between these observables. From these measurements, he deduces the mechanism(s) of the nuclear reactions involved. Past studies emphasize the use of radiochemical techniques while present and future experiments utilize instrumental techniques.

A typical experiment involves irradiating a metal foil with a heavy ion beam from a particle accelerator and detecting the reaction products recoiling from the target at various angles with large detector arrays. The multiparameter data are recorded on magnetic tape for immediate, on line analysis and later off-line analysis.

Experiments generally involve international collaborations and take place at accelerator complexes in Europe and the U.S. Measurements are made at the accelerator with computer-aided data analysis taking place at OSU.

Recent accomplishments of the Loveland group involve the attempted synthesis of a new chemical element, element 110, and the characterization of the preferential backwards emission of multifragmentation products in ultrarelativistic collisions ("backsplash").

Students participating in such research programs generally become facile with computers, measurements of and manipulation of radioactivity, construction of equipment, modern high speed electronics and the problems and rewards of international, collaborative research. (A desire to travel is a necessity). These skills have led to jobs for graduates in basic nuclear research, nuclear medicine, nuclear energy, semiconductor doping, ion implantation and archeology.


B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1961

PhD University of Washington, 1966

Visit the new Nuclear Chemistry Group Home Page

Professor Walter Loveland is primarily interested in the study of nucleus-nucleus collisions at low, intermediate and high energies. In studying the interactions of very energetic heavy colliding nuclei, he is probing conditions which have prevailed only in the very early moments of the universe. In the study of low energy reactions involving very heavy nuclei, the possibility of synthesizing new atomic nuclei or elements exists. Reactions induced by nuclei of intermediate energies can be used to study the quantum statistical mechanics of many body systems involving relatively small numbers of particles (<300).

Dr. Loveland studies the reactions of heavy (Z >54) nuclei. He measures the number of nuclear reaction products emitted with a given Z, A, energy, angle and the correlations between these observables. From these measurements, he deduces the mechanism(s) of the nuclear reactions involved. Past studies emphasize the use of radiochemical techniques while present and future experiments utilize instrumental techniques.

A typical experiment involves irradiating a metal foil with a heavy ion beam from a particle accelerator and detecting the reaction products recoiling from the target at various angles with large detector arrays. The multiparameter data are recorded on magnetic tape for immediate, on line analysis and later off-line analysis.

Experiments generally involve international collaborations and take place at accelerator complexes in Europe and the U.S. Measurements are made at the accelerator with computer-aided data analysis taking place at OSU.

Recent accomplishments of the Loveland group involve the attempted synthesis of a new chemical element, element 110, and the characterization of the preferential backwards emission of multifragmentation products in ultrarelativistic collisions ("backsplash").

Students participating in such research programs generally become facile with computers, measurements of and manipulation of radioactivity, construction of equipment, modern high speed electronics and the problems and rewards of international, collaborative research. (A desire to travel is a necessity). These skills have led to jobs for graduates in basic nuclear research, nuclear medicine, nuclear energy, semiconductor doping, ion implantation and archeology.