link to schedule of classes



D.F. Barofsky, 1041 ALS,

C.S. Maier, 1047 ALS,


Course Structure: Three credit-hour course; MWF 9AM


Office Hours: Regular hours TBA.  Additional times by appointment.


Course Web Page: We will use “Blackboard” for making announcements and distributing electronic documents, etc. We recommend that you check back regularly to stay up-to-date.


Course Objective:  Introduce participants to the physical principles of mass spectrometric instrumentation, MS-based analytical approaches and interpretation of mass spectra of organic compounds and biomolecules.


Course Description

A. Physical principles of mass spectrometric instrumentation (D. Barofsky)

I.                     Introduction

history, scope, anatomy of the mass spectrometer


II.                   Basic Mass Spectrometric Instrumentation

ionization modes, ion optics, mass analyzers, mass chromatography, detection and data processing


III.                  Basic Mass Spectrometric Methods

a.      Qualitative – mass calibration (accuracy), mass resolution (precision), sensitivity, tandem mass spectrometry, library and data base searching

b.      Quantitative – calibration, selected ion monitoring, selected reaction monitoring, mass chromatography




B. Interpretation of mass spectra of organic compounds and biomolecules (C. Maier)

I.          Basic Analytical Concepts

a.   Isotope Abundance

b.   Mass and Electron Parity

II.          Electron Ionization And Fragmentation Reactions

III.         Tandem Mass Spectrometric Analysis And Selected Applications

IV.        Protein and Peptide Mass Spectrometry

a.   Protein Mass Spectrometry

b.   Mapping and Sequencing of Peptides (Proteomics)


Final Examination



Reading and Supplementary Material: Handouts, scientific articles



PREREQ: CH336, CH442