Fall 2003
Experimental Analytical Spectrochemical Analysis
NOTE: The first meeting is Wednesday, October 1, 1:30 PM in GBAD 211, lectures at 1:15 PM the following Wednesdays in the term
FACULTY: James Ingle (Gilb 251)
TA’S: Peter Ruiz-Haas, Peter Hersh, and others
SCHEDULE: The formal laboratory time will be Wednesday from 1:15 to 4:15 in GBAD 313 (Other rooms for exp. 2 & 3). A TA or I will be present during a good portion of this time. The schedule for doing specific experiments is attached. On Wednesday, October 1 at 1:30 (following the lecture), you will start experiment 1A. For the lecture the first day, I will explain the structure of the course and give a short background lecture for experiment 1A. In general there will be short lab lecture in GBAD 311 at 1:15 for all Wednesdays.
Because of the large numbers of students and the conflict in CH 663 lab time with CH 511 for some students, we will have to find for some of the students alternative times for certain parts of the experiments. These alternative times may be at nigh or on weekends.
PRE- or CO-REQUISITE: CH 660 & Analytical Graduate Student (or permission)
Handout Fee: $2.00 - charged to student account after first weekCOURSE STRUCTURE:
Three experiments
Grading based on lab reports and laboratory performance
Each student is to record all data in his or her own personal bound laboratory notebook with carbon copy (except where data sheet supplied).
1A. Electronic Instrumentation (1.5 periods)
Complete data sheet and check against answer sheet in the lab.
No report due - each group turn one data sheet which I will check off
1B. Optic Instrumentation (2 periods)
Complete data sheet and check against answer sheet in lab.
Turn in for grading lab report on "Experiment 1B - Additional Experiments
and Questions." No abstract or procedure is required.2. Atomic Spectroscopy (2 periods)
3. Molecular Spectroscopy (2 periods)
Check the Web Page for changes.
Updated on October 01, 2003