Department of Chemistry
Oregon State University


Winter 2009 Syllabus

Lecturer : Prof. P.R.Watson, Gilbert 42, x 6740,

Times : MWF 10:00-10:50 am  in GBAD 101     Office hours : W 11-12 noon

Why take this course?

Surface phenomena are at the heart of many technological and natural processes and an understanding of surface events is crucial to :

What will it cover?

What text will we use?

"Surface Chemistry" Elaine M. McCash (Oxford).  This book has just gone out of print.  Xerox copies of the book are available at the bookstore, but the royalty fee makes them rather expensive (~$45).  Amazon has a few used copies for about the same price.

"CH448/548 Surface Chemistry Class Notes", P.R. Watson

What are the prerequisites?

Physical Chemistry, elementary calculus

What is the grading scheme?

A = ~80% B = ~70% C = ~60% D = ~50%


Problem sets (~ weekly) 45 %    Midterm 20 %    Final 35 %


Problem sets (~ weekly) 40 %    Midterm 18 %    Final 32 %    Term paper  10%

Final exam will be on W 3/18 9:30 am

Reserve Books

"Introduction to surface chemistry and catalysis ", Somorjai, Gabor A., QD506 .S589 1994

"Physical chemistry of surfaces", Adamson, Arthur W., QD506 .A3 1990

"Physics at surfaces", Zangwill, Andrew, QC173.4.S94 Z36 1988

"The chemical physics of surfaces", Morrison, S. Roy, QD506 .M67 1990

"An introduction to chemisorption and catalysis by metals", Gasser, R. P. H., QD547 .G37 1985

"Methods of surface analysis", Czanderna, Alvin Warren QD506 .M37

"Modern techniques of surface science", Woodruff, D. P., Delchar, T. A., QC173.4.S94 W66 1994

"The solid-liquid interface", Woodruff, D. P., QD506 .W66

E-mail Dr. Watson

Department of Chemistry Homepage

Updated by P.R. Watson on January 06, 2009.

Created by P.R. Watson