Department of Chemistry
Oregon State University


Winter 2009 Latest News

Feb 22nd, 2009  Assignment #4 Solutions

The solutions for the 4th assignment are ready at Solutions.

Feb 15h, 2009 Midterm Solutions Available

At Midterm Solutions.

Feb 9th, 2009  Assignment #3 Solutions

The solutions for the 3rd assignment are ready at Solutions.

Feb 2nd, 2009  Assignment #2 Solutions

The solutions for the 2nd assignment are ready at Solutions.

Jan 26th, 2009 Practice Midterm Available

At Practice Midterm and Practice Midterm Solutions.

Jan 26th, 2009  Assignment #1 Solutions

The solutions for the first assignment are ready at Solutions.

Nov 23rd, 2008 CH448/548 Textbook

The text I wished to use for this class, "Surface Chemistry" Elaine M. McCash (Oxford), has just gone out of print.  Xerox copies of the book are available at the bookstore, but the royalty fee makes them rather expensive (~$45).  Amazon has a few used copies for about the same price.

Also, check out some interesting surface images.

E-mail Dr. Watson

Department of Chemistry Homepage

Updated by P.R Watson on February 22, 2009.

Created by R. Nafshun