Department of Chemistry
Oregon State University


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Scores for the final exam : High 161/200; low 6/200, average 89/200.

 Check over the key and if there are errors in grading, we can adjust matters accordingly.  These adjustments, to your final exam and NOT previous exams or assignments,  will be made during the FIRST week of winter term.  Enjoy the winter break, Ch 441 awaits ...

The Fall term grades were assigned based on the standards listed in the Syllabus, 330 and above an A; 270 and above a B, etc. We did not scale the grades or adjust them to this years' average. Our standards were set before the first class and were based on student performance over the last fifteen years.  In a sense, the grades are scaled, using a sample derived over fifteen years.

Previous exam scores: 



Reading assignments for the term

Week 1: Sections 1.1 - 1.8, 1.11    Skip 1.9 and 1.10 for now.

Weeks 2 and 3:  All of Chapter 2   

Week 5:  All of Chapter 3

Week 6: All of Chapter 4

Week 7: Chapter 5: Skip 5.9 to 5.11. Our coverage of chemical reaction stoichiometry will be less than that in the text. There are only a few concepts and I think they have gone overboard with algebra; furthermore, we did all of this in Freshman chemistry. 

Final reading assignment:  Chapter 6.1-6.5,  6.7-6.8,  and back to 1.9 (Gibbs phase rule) and 1.10 (partial molar volumes)


Physical chemistry is a challenge. It comprises the physics of molecules,  both in isolated environments and in condensed phases. What we desire is the simplest path to  represent faithfully molecular behavior mathematically in adherence to known and verifiable physical laws.  What I hope you derive from this experience is the feeling that with some thought and with the proper background, which you will have, many aspects of molecular reality are understandable and predictable.