Department of Chemistry
Oregon State University


Exam Information

Topics for Exam 1

Definition of terms: First law, isothermal, adiabatic, open and closed systems, homogeneous, heterogeneous, etc.

Calculation of virial coefficients from the equation of state.

Application of the gas laws (ideal and van der Waals) to estimate pressures.

Determination of heat, work, Delta H,  Delta U, T_{final}/T_{initial}, P_{final}/P_{initial}  for various processes (see homework) such as isothermal, adiabatic, constant pressure expansions of ideal gases.

Derivations. Techniques so far are limited to the cyclic rule and to substitutions and simplifications of existing formulas.

Topics for Exam 2

Big picture things: Meaning of G(T,P) and A(T,V).   Statement of the 1^st, 2^nd and 3^rd laws of Thermodynamics. Fundamental equation of thermodynamics

Calculation of Delta E, Delta H, Delta S and Delta G for isothermal, adiabatic, isobaric processes (reversible and irreversible) for the system and the environment.

Proofs of thermodynamic identities

Derivation of properties given G(T,P) or A(T,V) or H(S,P) or E(S,V), i.e., the use of characteristic functions.

First and second order transitions, G(T,P) and its power series

Chemical potentials, conditions for equilibrium, variation of the chem. pot with T and P

Engines and cycles (Otto, Carnot)

Topics for the final exam

Phase transitions and phase diagrams:

1. The difference between 1'st and 2'nd order phase transitions, examples, and the properties that change at the transition.

2.  How to read a phase diagram (gas-liquid, liquid mixtures, liquid-solid)  and the application of the phase rule (F = 2+c-p). 

3. Variation of chemical potential with T and P and its relationship to the colligative properties.

4. Henry's, Raoult's and Dalton's laws for vapor pressures.

5.  Chemical equilibrium: variation of K_eq with T and P, and G_{mix} with mole fraction (minimizing G wrt x gave the equilibrium expression). 

6.  Regular solutions as a way to introduce non-ideality and phase separation in liquid mixtures with a  gas phase.

7.  Pressure-composition and temperature-composition phase diagrams for liquid mixtures.


Answer Keys for Past Examinations

Exam 1
Exam 2




2013 2013 2013
2014 2014 2014